The Book
Ben's Iditarod 2006
Black Jaguar Foundation 2015
Route Planned
Book Launch
Salta to Final Destination : B-A
Last stretch North : Belen to Salta
Still going North: Mendoza to Belen
Mendoza City
Going North : Condors/Pehuenia - Mendozza
Going North: Barriloche - Villa Pehuenia
April 2008 :
March 08 :
February 2008 :
January 2008 :
Last coverage of trip - Mountain ride
Red Rocky Mountains towards Salta!
Little river crossing towards Salta!
Interview hard working lady...making ponchos
Awesome mountain view towards Belen
Mechanic in action in Chilecito
Night ride through mountain trails...
Experimenting with 'bicycle-moto-taxiing'
Autumn in Argentina.. nature at his best!
Amazing nature! Have a look :)
Personal greeting from unspoiled lands
April 2008 - reaching Ushuaia !! and more
March 08 - Chili & Amazing Austral Road Adventure
Feb 08 - Ecuador & lots of Peru
Jan 08 - Galapagos :
Earth-View of trip
Route so far
Orphanage/Clinic Obras Sociales, Guatemala
Black Jaguar Project 2010
Motorbike trip BA-Caracas 2005
NoIceNoLife - Iditarod quest 2006
Why do it ?
Why risk it ?
Tequilla !
Pasame la botella!
Jaguar hallucinations
This is Colombia !
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In the press
About the authors
Reviews op bol.com
June 06
July 06
August 06
September 06
October 06 - Bart joined the trip
November 06 - Hans joined the trip
April 07 Sea Plane Course
April 07 Sailing to Colombia
May/June 2007 - Colombia :
July - River Journey to Belem :
August - Beginning of Jaguar Search
September - Jaguar Search continues
October - Jaguar Search + Farewell Fiesta Caseara
Nov & Dec 07 - Brasil & Bolivia :
Water eruption through the rocks
Sea lions to the sea
Overviewing the islands :)
Turtle couple making love
Baby sea-lion cries for her mother
Fishmarket in the Galapagos
Sharing the bench.. with a sea-lion
Amazing waterfall in Banos-Equador
Sand dunes towards Trujillo-Peru
Marinera Dance Competition in Trujillo
Incredible junior dance champs
More of the Trujillo Marinera Dance finals
Fiesta-Carnaval in Colca Canyon
Short Videos when Riding coastline in Peru
Riding in spectacular Colca-Canyon
Rock diving sea lions..
Reaching land... now to unload bike
Impression on Austral Dream Road
Lake close to Puerto Tranquilo
Walking into Tortel
Border zone adventure begins
Border zone adventure ends...
The pasarella for sheep..not for bike
Back on horseback to get help
Day of Ice-Hiking in Torres del Paine
Inside the prison/museum in Ushuaia
From Ushuaia to Porvenir..
Personal greeting towards Porvenir..
Impression on long boring road to Valdez
Orca hunt..in peninsula Valdez.. from Nat.Geo.
Lake Escondido.. in Lake-district
Hidden Canyon..on Routa 40!
June 06
July 06
August 06
September 06
October 06
November 06
December 06 : Costa Rica to Panama
Feb/March 07 : Pilot Course S-Monica
April 07
May 07 - Colombia :
June 07 - Colombia :
July 07 - Amazon River all the way
August 2007 :
September 2007 :
October 2007 :
November 2007 :
December 2007 :
Galapagos islands - cruising
Ecuador Banos-Cuenca
Galapagos islands - diving
Peru - Trujillo - history
Peru Pacific Coast Road
Peru - Trujillo - Dance competition
Carnaval & Condors in the Colca-Canyon
Final stretch towards Ushuaia
Torres Del Paine - Ice Hiking !
Torres Del Paine - Nature
2nd trial to reach Argentina.. with The Speedies
Border Crossing Adventure
Austral Road Adventure - Part III
Austral Road Adventure - Part II
Austral Road Adventure - Part I
Chili - visiting friends in Santiago
Fin Del Mundo : Ushuaia
1) Going North : Ushuaia -Peninsula Valdez
2) Going North : Valdez - Barriloche
October Mexico/Baja California
October mainland Mexico to Guatemala
April 07 - California airport to sea port
May 07 - Sailing to Colombia
May 07- Colombia
June 07 - Colombia & Equador
July 07 - Amazon River all the way
August 07 - Tocantins/Brasil
September 07 -Caseara / Brasil
October 07 - Para estado - Brasil
November 07 - Brazil to Bolivia
December 2007 - Bolivia-Peru-Equador
January 2008 - Galapagos
February 08 - Ecuador & Peru
March 08 : Ushuaia > Fin del Mundo
April 08 : Ushuaia-Mendoza
May 08 : Final destination B-Aires
Off-Road Trip in Colorado
Travel route August
Getting to Alaska
Magic air journey with Tom
Bear Trip to Katmai & Sea kayaking in Seward
Bear trip 2nd try !
Leaving Alaska up to Carcross
Cacross up to Calgary ( July 18 )
Calgary to Great Falls ( Montana )
Greatfalls to Denver ( Colorado )
Off-road trip in the Rocky Mountains with Chris K
Denver to Abilene (Texas)
Abilene to Houston Sept06
NewYork & Miami
Houston to Tucson (Arizona)
Getting ready for Mexico - Amigo Bart joins the trip
Mexico - Baja California North
Mexico - Baja California South - Clutch stop
Into mainland Mexico to Copper Canyon
Towards Southern Mexico
Acapulco towards Guatemala border
Antigua Guatemala - Bart's final destination
Guatemala - Lake Atitlan - Amigo Hans joins the trip
Guatemala - impressions towards Tikal
Guatemala - Tikal Maya temples
Costa Rica - San Jose Hans' final destination
Magic flight with Sr. Tom
A day in Denali National Park
Truck racing by on the 'hoal road' towards Prudhoe Bay
Nature shot between Prudhoe Bay and Fairbanks
Visiting friend and musher Scott in the bush
Mama bear with 3 cubs
Old big boar grazing
Cub says hello
Some bald eagles in action
No Name Glacier
On the Casiar Highway
Nature towards Tok
Devil's Creek
Farmland in Montana
on bike to Cheyenne ( Wyoming )
on bike to Greatfalls ( Montana )
Bull riding !
Horse Riding !
Steer catching !
Intro to the Rodeo
Off-Roading in Rockies with Chris
Very rocky path...
Lightning in the clouds by night
Big Bend Nat.Park-Texas
Rainbows in the sky
SeaWorld Orca Show
Mexico - First day Baja California
Mexico - Copper Canyon - Bart's enjoying it
Copper Canyon - Ben on the move
Copper Canyon - Bart on the move
Mexican lunch in mountain village
Guatemala - Hans mud riding towards Coban
Guatemala - Monkey in Tikal
Guatemala - Ants moving in Tikal
Nicaragua - Horses on the way to Leon
Costa Rica - Cattle marketing
December week 1&2 Bolivia
December La Paz in Bolivia
December week 3 towards Peru
December Lama's in amazing Peru
Equador, Quito to Coca on bike
Rivertrip 1 - Coca to Peru border
Rivertrip 2 - Peru border to Iquitos
Rivertrip 3 - Iquitos to Brazil border
Rivertrip 4 - Tabatinga to Manaus
Rivertrip 5 - Manaus to Belem
Around the flight school
Living in Santa Monica
Sea Plane Course - Angels Camp CA
Sailing trip to Colombia
Unloading the bike
First days in Cartagena
Faces of Cartagena
Cartagena tourist sites
The coastal area towards Giron
To and in Medellin
To and in Bogota
Bogota to Pasto ( south of Colombia )
Pasto & Surroundings
3rd week jaguar search
4th week jaguar search
Belem City
Belem to Caseara
First week Jaguar Search
Second week Jaguar Search
1st week jaguar search
2nd & 3rd week jaguar search
4th week jaguar search
Jaguars!! by camera trap ....
Leaving Caseara for now...
Little farewell party Caseara
Cuiaba & Campo Grande Nov week 3 & 4
Night drive ...see the fox?
Late night going 'home'
Mountain stop in the Andes towards Coca
The making of a Yuka Dinner
Lost on the river...
and...Back on river track
Racing the Napo River
Arriving in Iquitos
Arriving in Manaus
Jungle family on the river
Canoa-guests catching a 'ride'
Boat visitors going home..close to Belem
Beautiful landing at the pond
Mountain lake landing near Yosemite
How not! to land a sea plane
Before taking off from mountain lake
The wind in the sails
Impression on the San Blas Islands
Visiting dolphins
Fishermen in action in Taganga
La Pintada Mountain View
Horse Show in Medellin
Danger mountain road Ibaque-Armenia
Coffee harvesting Parque de Cafe
Riding twisting roads - lush green valley
Football Mania in Popayan
Arriving at Governor's Jungle Estate
Stingray in the warm river
Tree-camp view in forest
Interview with Matador Joah
Visiting the Turtle Project
Turtle Project Saviour : Sr. Raymundo
Pumping water in the jungle :)
'Calling' the jaguar...
On the look-out again...
Little emergency, running out of gas
Impressions on the little fiesta :
Preparing the fiesta
Talking to the BBQ Chef
Dance session of Nuno
First camp in the bush
Bridge in repair
Getting ready to take off again
On lookout for campsite
Interview with Heder
View from beach-tree camp
Whiskey Shots in Cuiaba
Luxury weekend on the lake .. what a life
Cowboys in action in the Pantanal (brasil)
Formula 1 motorcycle race Bolivia
Farmer family at work near lake Titicaca
Riding along Lake Titicaca
Catching a Glimps on the Ocean
Boost to ride this Coast-Road!
Racing through Deserts of Peru
Waves crushing on the rocks
Getting ready for the storm
Aerial view ... truly amazing
Impression from Colca Canyon on the bike
Water time........
Tunnel time ...
Dirt road towards the Colca
Wake up call......Carnaval begins...
Warm up dance for later in the night
Night in Chivay-Village.. dancing along
Music starts in Abanaconde village
Another night in Chivay... now late at night
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